User experience or UX is a hugely important factor to take into account when designing a site, if you get it wrong then your visitors will hate your website, causing them to leave causing your website to lose your business money.

When designing a site you first have to take into account page speed. A website should load fast on both desktop and mobile devices, if it doesn’t then your visitor will leave before even seeing your site, or any of your business offers. Websites that are slow to load are quite often built on themes and have many plugins associated with them. Web developers often do this when they have no idea what they are doing. In my experience this is often the case with web developers that offer cheap packages. Their packages are so cheap because they will reuse the same theme over and over, this allows them to set up your website fast, it will look OK, but behind the scenes your website will run like a slug.

Another point to consider is the navigation. The navigation should be easy to use, stand out and it should show all of the most important pages, if it doesn’t then your users will struggle to navigate your website, once again providing them with a bad user experience.

If you’re selling products on your website then the user experience should not be ignored, because ecommerce websites in my experience are one of the highest offending sites you can get.

With ecommerce only slight changes can make a big difference to your bottom line. The button size for the buy now button, the buttons positioning, the buttons color all make a major contribution to the success of your online store.

As you can see from all of the above, the user experience is very important when it comes to developing your own website, if you ignore it you are leaving money on the table, and from above you can clearly see that you don’t have to make drastic changes when it comes to the user experience, all you need to do is make a slight adjustment here on there.

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