PSD to WordPress Projects Outsourcing

Prepare a clear job description

You need to be very clear about what you want the WordPress developers to do. Write a detailed job description mentioning the specific goals that you wish to achieve from usability and functionality perspective. Specify the budget you wish to allocate to this project and the timeframe within which the project needs to be completed. Also mention how you would test the functionality of the website. Note that if many developers think that the budget allocated doesn’t justify the workload then you may have to adjust the budget accordingly.

Communicate effectively

Since you know exactly what the project needs to achieve, your involvement is of utmost importance during the execution phase. You will be required to deliver the information, answer queries and provide feedback during the course of the project. Maintain proper communication channels, respond to calls and emails promptly and provide necessary inputs so that the project runs efficiently and meets the deadlines.

Start small

Entrusting your project to a complete stranger is a difficult choice. There may be several apprehensions in the beginning. Developing trust and confidence takes time. So rather than outsourcing the complete project in one goes, you may take one step at a time. Start with outsourcing a small assignment. See whether the company followed your guidelines, and delivered the expected result within the given timeframe. Only once you are completely satisfied with their abilities should you go on to outsource the complete project.

Break the project into smaller tasks

It is difficult to handle the various aspects of a large WordPress development project all at once. Consider breaking down the task into smaller goals. Assign small tasks, assess their performance and give relevant feedback. It will be much easier to track the progress of the project in this way.

Be clear about Maintenance and support

Software development work doesn’t end once the website is delivered to your satisfaction. You will require regular maintenance of the site to deal with unexpected bugs. You may also wish to incorporate an enhancement or switch to a better theme. Discuss whether the company will provide ongoing support and maintenance after the project is complete. Will they provide free maintenance for a certain time period? What will be the charges thereafter?

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