White space is important when it comes to the internet world. The screen already hurts our eyes as it is and a multi-coloured website with no breaks could drive a person insane. Think of the pages as a magazine and how easy it is to read the pages.

You should have focal points on the page to draw the attention of a person immediately. These focal points don’t need to be colourful or a complicated image. Use an element that relates closely to your products and services. Perhaps a picture of a beautiful green leaf on a page that promotes saving the environment.

Keep the colour at a minimum. You should only use about three colours. In the modern era we use minimalistic designs to create a stronger and more attractive website.

Buttons, Buttons, Buttons! People love buttons and are more than willing to click every single button in the digital world. Make these buttons look as realistic as possible whilst keeping the same colour scheme throughout the page. The best place to put these coded functions is at the top of the page where a person can see it immediately.

Don’t fill the first page with many images. Content is extremely important for website design because your business needs to be found with the use of keywords and phrases. The downside of having many images on the first page is the fact that it will take longer to load. This is incredibly frustrating for the visitor so rather capture your audience with the magic of the tongue.

Use unique yet legible fonts for some of the text. This content could be a heading, logo or catchphrases. Outstanding text that highlight a service, or benefit of your product can effectively draw the eye.

Black space works similar to white space except it doesn’t “absorb light” in scientific terms. A black box works effectively with a contrasting colour and attracts the eye quicker. Using black on your webpage could also allow other elements to be highlighted. Darker grey works well but not many people take to that colour.

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