• Go back to basics – It’s important that your logo grabs attention, but sometimes making it too flashy can tend to become a bit of an eyesore, especially if it’s for a large international company. Simplicity is a core rule, and even though some of you may think rules are made to be broken, in this case they are definitely not meant to be. Larger companies keep this rule close, with most major sporting brands keeping it simple yet effective, making them among the most recognised on the planet.
  • Consider customisation – Throughout decades, there have been a number of different logo styles to grace advertisements on billboards and television. But which one of them looks the most unique and recognisable? A certain soft drink brand has been using the same font style for over a century, and has continued to dominate the soft drink industry for just as long, and even though keeping it simple is key, it is also important to incorporate a little bit of unique and creative flair.
  • Accept public criticism – In the last decade or so, social media has boomed massively and continues to do so, and with the growing amount of people that use it, almost every man and his dog has developed an opinion about something or other. This is why it is important to accept feedback and criticism from the public, negative or otherwise. In saying that however, you must learn that not every opinion is going to be clear cut and nice, and must expect the occasional troll or harassment.
  • Add personality – Yes, the first rule states that you need to keep it simple, but this doesn’t mean you need to make it completely bland and devoid of any emotion. Adding a flair of personality brings your logo into the limelight, making it noticeable and leaves an impression in the viewers mind. If the logo leaves an impression, this may lead them to have interest in the product and in turn it may even create a new customer for the company. There are a number of companies that have done this, and have moved on to become multi billion dollar industries.
  • Understand colours and their effects on the human psyche – It is widely known that colours have a certain effect on the human mind. A number of green shades can represent balance and tranquillity in the mind, whereas strong reds can cause the mind to view it as hostile and angry. However, when colours are mixed, they can influence the mind in a multitude of unforeseen ways and can leave a lasting impression. McDonald’s is one such company which employs strong red’s and yellow’s, making it instantly recognisable as a fast food company, with yellow employing an emotional response and red employing a physical one, linking hunger and desire to one another.

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