Choose and Purchase a name

The First thing you will need to do before you start anything is to decide on a name for your website.

I like to sit down with a pen and a piece of paper and write out various different ideas for my website name, I generally want to come up with at least three that I like because chances are someone has already taken one of the names you come up with.

Now obviously only you will have an idea what you want your website to be called but usually it will be something relating to the particular area or niche that you are currently operating in.

For example If you sell videos teaching how to play golf you might want something such as:

If you are having trouble coming up with a name for your website there are resources out there that can help you decide on a name.

Once you have your ideas for you website name then we can go and look at a domain name provider to purchase your chosen name.

A domain name is not expensive and will usually cost you between $6 to $12 a Year.

Towards the end of the your domain name expiry, your provider will send you an email asking if you would like to renew your name and then its up to you whether you decide to keep it or just let it expire.

There are numerous domain name providers out there but they all offer you a fairly similar service and price, it’s always worth it to just have a look around and see what offers you can get.

Once your domain name is chosen, you will be asked to set up an account so that you can register your details and pay for your new domain name.

And there you have it, you are now the proud owner of your very own domain name.

Buy Your Web Hosting

The next thing you need to do is find a web host for your website, this can be purchased from a hosting company.

As with domain name providers there are hundreds of web hosting companies out there, but unlike domain name providers it is more important to ensure you get a good hosting service who can provide you with a reliable service, after all any issues here and you website could become inaccessible which is not good for business.

You could always buy your web hosting from the same company who provided your domain name and although this is a more convenient option it usually works out more expensive.

It’s worth doing a little research and looking at review sites to see which companies offer a good service and even speak to friends and colleagues who have their own websites to see which companies they recommend.

Once you decide on which company you are going to use, setting up your account is pretty straight forward, just choose the package you want from their website, set up an account, pay for your hosting (usually between $10 – $15 a Month) then wait for the email confirming everything.

So you now have your domain name and your web hosting sorted.

Set Your Name Servers

The final thing you need to do before you can start building your own website is to set your domain name servers.

All we need to do is point your domain name provider to the place on the internet where your website is being hosted.

This is called ‘Setting your domain name servers’

Despite what you think this process is really very easy and just involves supplying your domain name provider with the location of your websites hosting address.

It is just a simple act of copying the information sent to you in your important email and pasting it to the relevant section on your domain name providers website.

If you did happen to purchase your domain name AND your Hosting from the same company then you don’t even need to do this.

Install WordPress and Off You Go

Finally you can install WordPress on to your page and then you can build your website using this platform.

It is reported that 27.9% of all websites on the internet were built using WordPress.

WordPress is probably the easiest platform available today for a complete beginner to build your own website from scratch, and it is totally FREE!

But don’t let the fact that it’s free fool you into thinking it’s not very good…

Because you would be very wrong, WordPress is used by everyone from webmasters, bloggers, developers and one man marketers to large businesses.

It is great for building anything from small one page sites to large eye-catching business sites.

And because it has been around for a while now it has built up a very large community of people who have designed all manor of plugins, themes and templates (many of them free) that you can use to make your site stand out from the crowd.

The good news is that most web hosting companies understand how big WordPress is and offer a simple one click installation so that you can have it up and running in no time.

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